Ashland Addison Florist Co., Chicago, IL - Customer Flower Reviews

Pilsen Design Center
1956 W. 17th St
Chicago, IL 60608
+1 (312) 432-1800

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Total reviews: 33017 reviews | Star Rating: 4.8
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Reviewed By:
Margo M.
Jul 12, 2017
Disappointing. For the amount charged this arrangement is pityingly small! I've done business with Ashland Addison since 1975; seems like the larger they grow the smaller the arrangements! I usually recommend them to friends & family as well, looks like
Reviewed By:
Jennifer evans
Jun 14, 2017
was expecting more blue since for baby boy
Reviewed By:
Eileen Baiocchi
Jun 9, 2017
Not a fan ... my impression was that the that there were to be 8 of the same/very similar color peonies. This arrangements colors are too contrasting - ncluding white - and I only see 5, possibly 6 flowers. Not a very nice arrangement at all. Disappointed
Reviewed By:
Ida Riddle
Jun 9, 2017
Hello, I appreciate the flowers arriving on time. The floral arrangement was really beautiful. I was a little disappointed in the peace lily. 1. There was another peace lily delivered from the same florist that was beautiful with more than one peace
Reviewed By:
Jun 2, 2017
For $100.00 could have been better, you guys used to be so creative, what happened! There is better on the FTD website. Not happy and been a customer for a long time.......have to rethink about using you again
Reviewed By:
Ellen Pryga
Jun 2, 2017
This is the first time in all the years I have been ordering from you that the flowers I received were very disappointing.
Reviewed By:
karl oman
Jun 1, 2017
There were no white roses or purple roses in this mix unlike the advertised mix. I only counted 10 roses in the picture. I sure hope there were two more not showing in the photo. A bit disappointing.
Reviewed By:
Teresa herrera
May 20, 2017
Was upset did not receive what I had ordered from the website for a funeral, they should have given me a call at least to let me know they didn't have white roses or given me the option of choosing something else very disappointed.
Reviewed By:
May 18, 2017
Perhaps it did not photograph well - but it does not look as attractive as the arrangements I have ordered from Ashland Addison in the past. I am disappointed.
Reviewed By:
May 1, 2017
Picture I received from recipient do not look as nice as this picture.
Reviewed By:
Apr 29, 2017
Well the tulips look fresh but it doesn't exactly look like the picture I saw. It looks like someone just shoved those in a small vase! Sorry but I'm not happy. I sent these to brighten someone's day! I'm disappointed.
Reviewed By:
Denise stauder
Apr 24, 2017
I asked for a pink plant...not white! It is listing and is not straight. What why would you send such a scrawny looking plant? I am not happy.
Reviewed By:
Emma Schmidt
Apr 5, 2017
They are pretty, but very small for the amount of money they cost!
Reviewed By:
Apr 2, 2017
Typical $45.00 arrangement, but I paid $96.96. Lacks creativity for this price point, not to mention the bow looks like a child tied it, not a professional florist. Thank you.
Reviewed By:
Cathy Bodnar
Mar 30, 2017
The flowers, delivered the second time around, were beautiful. What happened?! Ashland Addison has been delivering to my mother-in-law consistently, not this time - the original order went to 60th Place, not Street. And the kind people at 60th Place broug
Responded To By:
Chris / Manager
Mar 30, 2017
Cathy - thank you so much for your feedback! We are terribly sorry for everything that has happened! Please know that this is most definitely not something that happens. We will be issuing a full ... More
Cathy - thank you so much for your feedback! We are terribly sorry for everything that has happened! Please know that this is most definitely not something that happens. We will be issuing a full refund on your order.
We truly do hope we hear from you in the future.

Reviewed By:
Mary Bichsel
Mar 28, 2017
The flowers were actually beautiful Saturday. However, on Sunday they were nearly dead. Surely a flower arrangement should last longer than this.
Reviewed By:
Mrs leigh
Mar 28, 2017
From London -quite expensive and I don't like the pink bow
Reviewed By:
Patti Hansen
Mar 27, 2017
There is more greenery than flowers. The Songs of Spring picture on your website has more flowers on it. I can't see the vase but there is also a frosted bird on the vase which I can't tell if it's on there or not.
Responded To By:

Mar 27, 2017
Hello Patti,

Thank you for your review. I am glad we were able to speak over the phone and resolve this for you. Hope you have a great rest of the week!
Reviewed By:
Marla Massel
Mar 24, 2017
I had requested moss please call me 847-208-4940
Reviewed By:
Katherine Zinni
Mar 22, 2017
Love the customer service and the follow up. It is awesome. I just don't like the blue bow--it looks cheap.A more natural bow product would look better..
Reviewed By:
sara Sumner
Mar 19, 2017
This particular arrangement was not representative of what I have come to expect of your company. I will continue to order from you because this is only the second time in probably 20 years that I was not happy with an arrangement
Reviewed By:
Michae Ries
Mar 12, 2017
The delivery I sent for Valentine's day was outrageously expensive and at best mediocre. Will be trying other florists given the last two arrangements I have purchased from you.
Reviewed By:
Mar 10, 2017
Disappointing. We asked for bright and cheerful for a Get Well, doesn't seem like what we wanted. For the price, we were hoping for more flowers and less green.
Reviewed By:
Carrie Osslund
Mar 1, 2017
The flowers are pretty but I was looking for a smaller version of Emerald Isle when I couldn't get a shamrock plant. When the girl suggested adding a little orange to it I was ok with it but you sent an entirely orange arrangement I would never have chos
Reviewed By:
Feb 17, 2017
They were a little more lack luster in color and appeal than what we usually getfrom ashland addison...
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