Bountiful Flower Patch, Bountiful, UT - Customer Flower Reviews

560 South 500 West
Bountiful, UT 84010
+1 (801) 298-8421

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Total reviews: 8831 reviews | Star Rating: 4.74
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Showing 2 star reviews. Show all reviews

Reviewed By:
Feb 27, 2016
Flowers looked bad after two days.
Responded To By:
Bountiful / Manager
Feb 29, 2016
I'm so sorry the roses didn't last for you...our store delivered new roses to Lisa on Wednesday. Thank you for your response.
Reviewed By:
Feb 26, 2016
The flowers on the photo online wee bright and happy...this arrangement was supposed to cheer someone up in a time of grief...these look dark rather than there any way we can change it? It's arranged nicely but, as I said, so much darker tha
Responded To By:
Bountiful / Manager
Feb 26, 2016
Thank you for your request. We will replace the dark purple daisies and send you a new picture.
Reviewed By:
Feb 18, 2016
Roses weren't bloomed not that happy with the product
Responded To By:

Feb 18, 2016
Thank you for responding to us. The roses come in a tight bloom to us. We pass them on to you and they will be more open within a short time.
Reviewed By:
Chris Nelson
Feb 7, 2016
Beautiful flowers, but delivered a week too early! They were supposed to be for Valentine's Day. Hopefully they wife isn't too disappointed next week.
Responded To By:
Bountiful / Manager
Feb 8, 2016
I'm so sorry for the mix-up on the date. The person who took the order put the wrong date for delivery. We will deliver again on the 13th. We will deliver the flowers and the strawberries but I assume you don't want another bear.
Thanks for letting us know about this mistake.
Reviewed By:
Dec 18, 2015
If this is a picture of the flowers that were sent. They are beautiful, but these are not the flower arrangement that I ordered. I ordered Sunshine and Roses Pastel Roses in a Vase
Responded To By:
Bountiful / Manager
Dec 18, 2015
I'm sorry you were not pleased with the red roses. We did not have the color shown in the picture and thought you might like red for Christmas. Thank you for your comments
Reviewed By:
Nov 8, 2015
I am extremely dissapointed , my biggest complaint is I specifically asked please do not send any carnations anything else is good, well I get back from out of town and find out yes you included carnations NOT HAPPY , besides the fact the kind and size of
Responded To By:
Bountiful / Manager
Nov 9, 2015
We are sorry you were dissapointed with the wrapped flowers you received last week. The order we received was to wrap the same flowers that were used to make an arrangement called Mango Medium which does include the small pixie carnations. I am so sorry for the misunderstanding.