Breen's Florist, Houston, TX - Customer Flower Reviews

1050 N Post Oak Rd #280
Houston, TX 77055
+1 (713) 668-2376

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Total reviews: 23872 reviews | Star Rating: 4.78
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Reviewed By:
Apr 18, 2020
If this image is really what the flowers look like, these look NOTHING like the image of lovely lavenders that was on the website. Very disappointing.
Reviewed By:
J. Taylor
Apr 17, 2020
Totally unhappy with this order. I had a great conversation with Marsha placing an order for my daughters birthday flowers. After talking to my daughter to make sure she would be in when they arrive my daughter asked me to have them call her about 20 min
Reviewed By:
Cheryl O.
Apr 13, 2020
Flowers were supposed to be hydrangeas and I felt that the price was sufficient. I did not expect a small bouquet of assorted stems in a fishbowl!
Reviewed By:
Amy white
Apr 11, 2020
Definitely NOT what we wanted. Waaaaay wayyy too small. Absolutely NOT a 160.00 floral design.
Reviewed By:
Mar 18, 2020
My first time purchasing from Breen's Florist and I am pretty disappointed. These flowers don't look like I thought they would. Only a few are even bloomed. Very upset by this.
Reviewed By:
Laurie Tangedahl
Mar 9, 2020
Good job
Reviewed By:
Kelli Mason
Mar 7, 2020
I hate to say this .... Breen's is usually my go to florist since I live in the N Tx area and my mother-in-law lives in Houston. My mother-in-law has always been so elated with what I've ordered and what she she rcv'd from Breen's. She rcv'd the birthday
Reviewed By:
Kim Lamb
Mar 2, 2020
Seems to be missing some flowers from the picture I choose.
Reviewed By:
Tarig Anani
Feb 14, 2020
I ordered 18 roses not 12. Also light pink not dark pink
Reviewed By:
Feb 14, 2020
Flowers look dead !!!
Reviewed By:
Mikala Rulander
Feb 14, 2020
While the flowers look okay. They are nothing like the photo portrayed online. I know there is a disclaimer that mentions flowers may vary upon availability. But the vase isn't even the same and you can tell cheaper flowers like carnations were used in pl
Reviewed By:
marian sims
Feb 11, 2020
I have emailed you about my displeasure. The picture from which I ordered showed daisies. please make that correction prior to delivery.
Reviewed By:
Georgeann Hogan
Feb 3, 2020
I ordered a full closet plant with willows and a bird. This is the plant that was delivered to the funeral home. There were dragonflies instead of a bird. Does that look like a closet plant?
Reviewed By:
Laurie Tangedahl
Jan 31, 2020
The arrangement looks off centered. No flowers on the right. I specifically asked for NO carnations and it is ALL carnations. she said it would have roses. For the cost, very little flowers. Very Disappointed!!!
Reviewed By:
Jo Ann Roberts
Jan 29, 2020
The arrangement is not very attractive at all. Very plain and split down the middle, very disappointing. Looks like something I could put together ? I was also told the orchids would be purple and white
Reviewed By:
Patty Inzana
Jan 28, 2020
That wasn't the vase we discussed. The person receiving the flowers isn't religious at all. I would really appreciate that in the future the vase discussed would have been sent and if a change was being made that I would have received a courtesy call to
Reviewed By:
Jeri Arceneaux
Jan 27, 2020
I was not impressed with my order. The names in the message wasn't correct (4 out of 5 were spelled incorrectly) and even my name was left off the card. I even provided an email with the words I wanted on the card. Simple copy and paste. They send you a
Reviewed By:
Nancy Sumner
Jan 25, 2020
This is a very disappointing arrangement! It is nothing like I discussed! The colors are really bad red -orange are not compatible in my opinion & certainly NOT THE BLUE & white that I had suggested! It sure what to do - I'm sooo disappointed Not what I
Reviewed By:
Renada McKnight
Jan 22, 2020
We did not want this type of plant. For funerals, we order all green plants or plants with a little white on the leaves. Plus the pot the plant is in looks tacky. I specifically told the person on the phone that I wanted the same plant we ordered before
Reviewed By:
Jan 21, 2020
These are not red and white like discussed. From the pews they appear bright pink and light pink and yellow. The bride who was paying for the arrangements was upset. I'm upset too as it appears I did not do my job in ordering appropriately.
Reviewed By:
Jan 17, 2020
lower grade flowers were used in the arrangement that was delivered and the roses look old so they will not last.The photo I bought from had large mums not carnations and an exotic long stem not tulips. I'm disappointed!
Reviewed By:
Jan 12, 2020
Reviewed By:
Dec 27, 2019
These don't look like the ones on the website. The ones online looked a lot fresher. Not what I expected at all.
Reviewed By:
Dec 24, 2019
Should have been red candles, who wants WHITE????? Poor ribbon bows, just shabby Disappointed ☹️
Reviewed By:
Duane Hopple
Dec 11, 2019
I'm not happy with this arrangement. It doesn't look as nice as the photo on the website. It barely resembles the photo. I asked for no substitution and this is clearly a substitution. I've used your company for years and am extremely disappointed by
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