Flower Patch, Salt Lake City, UT - Customer Flower Reviews

4370 South 300 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84107
+1 (801) 747-2824

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Total reviews: 35830 reviews | Star Rating: 4.8
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3 Star ★★★☆☆
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Reviewed By:
Rachel Enlow
Apr 21, 2023
I got these for a friend and they died the next day. I reached out to customer service with a pic of the arrangement and have heard nothing back, very disappointing
Reviewed By:
Mike Jackson
Apr 20, 2023
Not very much! They are already dead! Very disappointed!
Reviewed By:
Hollie Green
Apr 19, 2023
This was supposed to have a Lilly in it.
Reviewed By:
Linda copyak
Apr 12, 2023
For the price I paid I thought it would of been nicer I didn't like it Vase ugly green ugly Bow didn't even look nice I hated it should of liked nicer
Reviewed By:
Jose ruiz
Apr 4, 2023
Read instructions before start the order please! Made it very clear.
Reviewed By:
Jermone Wheler
Apr 3, 2023
Delivery was late, and 2 out of the 12 roses had dead rose pedals on them. I would think for the amount of money that was paid. You could at least get fresh flowers. 100% disappointed and wife was almost left and missed the delivery all together.
Reviewed By:
miriam de la llata
Apr 2, 2023
Very Dissatisfied this time , this flowers comes with 3 white roses and specifically requested 2 white roses and 1 red rose , well no red rose was in the flowers and my flowers were delivered with 2 white roses instead of 3 , what of embarrassment with the birthday person.
Reviewed By:
Natalie Higham
Mar 28, 2023
Reviewed By:
Reed Garside
Mar 27, 2023
Was missing the flower fresh food packet, baby's breath was missing.
Reviewed By:
Mar 17, 2023
Looks very nice. Thank you.
Reviewed By:
Rose Koivisto
Mar 17, 2023
My plant never made it to the facility where my nephew's services were held so I called floral shop 2 days after and they said it was given to someone and that someone did not take it in where it was suppose to go so she assured me she would deliver to a residence, well, I just got word that the dish garden was not delivered today, and they told my nephew's family that they would deliver tomorrow. This was for a man who served 22 years in military and this whole experience has been very disheartening to me. They sent me confirmation when arrangement was done but I never got confirmation that it was delivered at right place. I'm several states away and if it had not been for my nephew's family telling me that it never came, I would have never known. So very unacceptable and I'm very disappointed.
Reviewed By:
Duane Armstrong
Mar 14, 2023
I do like getting a photo. The arrangement looks fantastic. But when they called and said that they had come to the door and no one answered, I looked on my cameras and did not see that anybody had come to the door at the time they said even close to their time. Then I was informed that they wouldn't be able to deliver the arrangement when they said they could. This was for our 40th anniversary and it wasn't delivered on time.
Reviewed By:
Debbie Peterson
Mar 4, 2023
I spoke to your phone rep, told her I wanted a bereavement basket with white lillies and soft pink and yellow flowers. Is this even close to what I asked for?
Reviewed By:
Lisa Hall
Mar 3, 2023
I had changed this order
Reviewed By:
Mar 3, 2023
Does not look even close to what I ordered.
Reviewed By:
Megan Patterson
Feb 26, 2023
I ordered these and the lady that delivered them took them back
Reviewed By:
Feb 25, 2023
It took 3 days (one due to weather). A lie about no one being home. ( She was, ALL DAY.) You're driver didn't want to do his/her job. I'm guessing due to the big snow storm the day before. I spoke with 2 FP employees 1 being a manager. The employee I spoke with did her job. She put me in contact with your manager. You're manager seemed to be concerned and went as far as telling me she was going to put 30% of the total order back on to my debit card. ANOTHER LIE. I am very unhappy. If u go back and check your system (801- 638-2204 old 801-604-8315 current) you'll see that I WAS a returning customer, WAS. If I could give ZERO stars I WOULD.
Reviewed By:
Sharmin Mannek
Feb 24, 2023
I asked you to not do yellow ribbon. I specifically asked for red or green. I asked for a masculine. Not happy about this. Also feel it looks bare? Could be more full like one on site
Reviewed By:
Feb 22, 2023
I did the order over the phone, and it came out beautifully. Five stars all the way!
Reviewed By:
Feb 20, 2023
Flowers look brown on the ends. Can you change them
Reviewed By:
Feb 16, 2023
I wanted her to have the purple roses as pictured. This is her favorite color.
Reviewed By:
Joseph Jensen
Feb 15, 2023
It did not get delivered to the right place
Reviewed By:
John Halladay
Feb 10, 2023
This is the second time they were delivered to the right building, but the wrong floor in the wrong office
Reviewed By:
Hector Rodriguez
Feb 7, 2023
I wanted to impress my wife , I get home and see the flowers all about to die and some of the petals falling , I was embarrassed I send this to my wife , I will suggest to flower patch , improved the quality of your Roses
Reviewed By:
Ali Peterson
Feb 4, 2023
Very disappointed and dissatisfied Does not look anything like the flowers advertised on your website. Spent way too much money for poor quality. Terrible
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