Flower Patch, Salt Lake City, UT - Customer Flower Reviews

4370 South 300 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84107
+1 (801) 747-2824

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Total reviews: 35863 reviews | Star Rating: 4.8
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Reviewed By:
Carolyn Jenks
Oct 5, 2017
Disappointed that my name was not spelled correctly after spelling it out to the lady taking my order.
Reviewed By:
Jessica Warther
Oct 3, 2017
For $80 this does not look like I got my money's worth.
Reviewed By:
Oct 2, 2017
I am disappointed. I feel the flowers selected, though understably different than the ones featured in the photo, are inferior. I was excited about sending this to a colleague for her birthday and now feel let down.
Reviewed By:
Jane Paulson
Sep 25, 2017
Not impressed. Seemed a little weak for $88. Doubt if I will use you in the future.
Responded To By:
Amy Hawke / General Manager
Oct 5, 2017
Thank you for your feedback. This was a $75 spray. I am really surprised by your disappointment because our designer over did this to match all the color and flower requests on the order. She did it j... More
Thank you for your feedback. This was a $75 spray. I am really surprised by your disappointment because our designer over did this to match all the color and flower requests on the order. She did it just as specified. This looks more like a $100 spray. It was very big and gorgeous. Again we are surprised and sorry for your disappointment.
Reviewed By:
Kim Barker
Sep 14, 2017
I don't think it looks anything like the website picture. On the website their were pink and white roses. That is what I wanted.
Reviewed By:
Sep 6, 2017
Flowers were nice but mosquito's were attached to them.
Reviewed By:
Sep 5, 2017
Beautiful flowers, but the spray was not delivered until an hour before the viewing ended. When I called to find out what was going on the lady was very nice and said there would be a credit, which I do appreciate. What I d
Reviewed By:
Aug 22, 2017
Thanks, but the picture on the web showed much brighter flowers - I was hoping for some with more bright flowers. Yellows, pink? Can some modifications be made? Thanks
Reviewed By:
Bryan Fail
Aug 18, 2017
Not really much like the picture online. I was really hoping for something brighter, more alive. Seems really drooping and sparse. I've been pleased with previous orders, but this one doesn't seem to be up to speed.
Reviewed By:
Josh b
Aug 14, 2017
I know they say colors can vary but I don't believe these colors are anywhere near the colors I picked from the website. I picked a summertime bright colored arrangement and this is all dark. I've used you guys a lot but this time you didn't nail it
Reviewed By:
Aug 14, 2017
Not to impressed with this one. Those flowers are not standing like in picture
Reviewed By:
Jul 21, 2017
The email advertisement said multi colored but all I got was red. When I called I was told it was "designers choice" and this all that was left. They are pretty flowers, I'm just disappointed I didn't get what I ordered.
Responded To By:
Amy Hawke / General Manager
Jul 21, 2017
Thank you for your feedback. The sale is on designer choice colors, that can be any variety or solid colors that we have available. The colors you received were a mix of red and fire & ice which a... More
Thank you for your feedback. The sale is on designer choice colors, that can be any variety or solid colors that we have available. The colors you received were a mix of red and fire & ice which are a 2-tone white and dark pink on the tips. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.
Reviewed By:
Arnell Williams, Texas
Jul 20, 2017
A day after making a purchase from Texas with Flower Patch for my bosses' mother's gravesite service, I received a photo of the funeral spray and was very disappointed that the arrangement was not worth the value I paid and looked a lot smaller than the o
Responded To By:
Amy Hawke / General Manager
Jul 21, 2017
Thank you for your feedback, I have reviewed the notes in this order and also pulled and listened to the recorded call. Looks like there was confusion on the place and time of the service, our custome... More
Thank you for your feedback, I have reviewed the notes in this order and also pulled and listened to the recorded call. Looks like there was confusion on the place and time of the service, our customer service rep called the mortuary to find out and was told to have it there on the 20th by 9am. She did confirm that with you. Our driver delivered this to the mortuary at 9am. The mortuary then called us to tell us to come get the flowers because the service was over and was actually at a different location. This was very frustrating to us too because we confirmed this with them before sending. We did confirm this through the email receipt we sent to you when the order was placed. We are extremely sorry for the mix up of info, we did all we could to get the correct info on our end. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.
Reviewed By:
Jeff Thomas
Jul 18, 2017
Too much pink!!!
Responded To By:
Amy Hawke / General Manager
Jul 18, 2017
Thank you for your feedback. This is an all pink, blue and white flower arrangement that comes in a blue vase. Looks like the photo was taken on the pink side and the daisy is blocking the vase, the o... More
Thank you for your feedback. This is an all pink, blue and white flower arrangement that comes in a blue vase. Looks like the photo was taken on the pink side and the daisy is blocking the vase, the other side is all white flowers. I see the note on your order which only specified no red or yellow roses. Please let us know if you have any further concerns or questions.
Reviewed By:
Jul 14, 2017
Doesn't look as full and beautiful as the one in the photo online. Not worth $70...
Reviewed By:
Mickey Winrow
Jun 25, 2017
The arrangement if fine although not what I wanted ..I wanted WHITE calla lillies ,pink carnations,red roses.. it just doesn't look soft enough or dainty enough for a 21 year old angel.. I don't know .. what I was thinking is not what this arrangement is
Reviewed By:
Jun 15, 2017
I said I wants red ones
Reviewed By:
May 18, 2017
We sent flowers as a Mother's Day present from my boys (step-sons) to their mother. The flowers never showed up. When we tried to call to find out why, the business was closed and wouldn't reopen until Monday. What a disappointment for two little boys try
Reviewed By:
May 18, 2017
Driver couldn't find the address so flowers were not received for the occasion.
Reviewed By:
May 7, 2017
My wife said half her flowers died in 2 days. She said maybe there wasn't any water in the vase.
Reviewed By:
Apr 25, 2017
I really stressed that Purple was the color I wanted in the bouquets but it seems like white is more dominant that purple, The girl that took my order said that roses were a cheap flower but I do not see any roses. I am very disappointed that they are not
Reviewed By:
Vell Runolfson
Apr 9, 2017
Your web site showed flowers as part of the arrangement. Very disappointing and false advertising.
Responded To By:
Amy Hawke / General Manager
Apr 10, 2017
We are very sorry for the disappointment. Our plants came in really fresh which means sometimes the blooming plant in this has not opened up yet, we assure you that there is a blooming plant in there, it will bloom soon and be beautiful.
Reviewed By:
Britt A.
Apr 6, 2017
The flowers sent were not like the picture online. The arrangement online was much better.
Responded To By:
Amy Hawke / General Manager
Apr 10, 2017
Thank you for your feedback. We are very sorry you were disappointed with your order. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.
Reviewed By:
Mar 27, 2017
Doesn't look like what was on the web picture
Reviewed By:
Paul Holbrook
Mar 27, 2017
The arrangement seems sparse for the price I paid.
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