Flower Patch, Salt Lake City, UT - Customer Flower Reviews
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Total reviews: 35879 reviews | Star Rating: 4.8
5 Star ★★★★★ |
89.15% |
4 Star ★★★★☆ |
6.11% |
3 Star ★★★☆☆ |
2.00% |
2 Star ★★☆☆☆ |
1.11% |
1 Star ★☆☆☆☆ |
1.62% |

All reviews are from verified Flower Patch customers. Our verified reviews require a validated order number, purchase date, and email address. They are collected, certified, and monitored by an independent, dedicated review company, See What You Send, Inc., that does not allow reviews to be filtered or deleted, unless requested directly by the customer.
Reviewed By:
Sharon yancey
Sharon yancey
Dec 27, 2024
I was so very very pleased with this arrangement! At 83 1/2 years old I can't always see how beautiful everything is until we see them in person. I had not seen the white feathery section that makes it look so delicate, nor the size I assumed the size was smaller than a soda soda can. it wasn't. It was perfection.
Reviewed By:
Dec 27, 2024
Flower Patch created the most beautiful flower arrangement my mother-in-law has ever received in her 90 years! Really spectacular!!
Reviewed By:
Candice Jones
Candice Jones
Dec 26, 2024
Yes, that's a nice flower arrangement. And I really really like getting a photo. Thank you!
Reviewed By:
Billie Millhollen
Billie Millhollen
Dec 26, 2024
It's perfect!! Thank you!!! Can you add a new baby boy myler balloon?
Reviewed By:
Ruby grable
Ruby grable
Dec 25, 2024
Hi just checking on my order. Our grandma says she has not received it. Disappointed we were not given a confirmation and time of delivery. Was supposed to be delivered on 12/24 Ruby grable (310)985-1960
Reviewed By:
Dec 25, 2024
Beautiful I'm sure they were pleased. Were they there to receive it Dear Brothers you are assigned to be Proxy Sealing Attendants (PSA) this Saturday. Group #1, Brothers Brothers Allen and Allen will have to leave the preparation meeting at 1:40 and report in the sealing room no later than 1:50 dressed in your priesthood robes. Group #2, Brothers Folau and Cederlof you will go to the veil when the prep meeting is excused. Both Group 1 and 2 bring your priesthood robes to the temple or rent in the clothing room ($3:00). Please leave your ordinance worker's Jacket in your locker or hang it in the entrance of the patrons dressing room. Take your packet with you to the patrons dressing room where you are to dress in your robes (robe on your right shoulder). Go to the sealing office and report to the sisters at the desk that you are there to serve as Proxy Sealing Attendants. You will remain at the sealing office and or in a sealing as needed for half the shift, the balance of your time will be at the veil. Group #1 and #2 will switch at 4pm. Group #2 same procedure as above for Group #1, your responsibility will end at 6 or when you are released. Group 2 at the end or your assignment please remove your priesthood robes in the patrons dressing room not in the workers locker room and hustle up to the veil to catch the last veil if you can be there by 5:20. Thank you, if you have any questions please call me 801 660-0636 or see me at the temple before the preparation meeting this Saturday. B Moon PLEASE LET ME KNOW THAT YOU RECEIVED THIS TEXT.
Reviewed By:
Dec 24, 2024
The flowers looks good, reasonable price, and delivered on time, but some flowers was in wrong color.
Reviewed By:
Sharon Bean
Sharon Bean
Dec 24, 2024
I asked for some white flowers as well as pinks and purples. Arrangement is nice but looks more like a $75 rather than $95 .
Reviewed By:
Clare Murray
Clare Murray
Dec 24, 2024
Beautiful!!! Thank you so much for stepping in when the other florist failed miserably!!! Appreciate you!!!