George's Flowers, Roanoke, VA - Customer Flower Reviews

1953 Franklin Road
Roanoke, VA 24014
+1 (540) 981-0900

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Total reviews: 32546 reviews | Star Rating: 4.89
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Showing 4 star reviews. Show all reviews

Reviewed By:
Brenda Edwards
Apr 2, 2020
Beautiful. Thanks
Reviewed By:
Ordered from Michigan
Mar 20, 2020
I live in Michigan and order flower's frequently from George's for my mom & sister who live in the Roanoke, Virginia area. Hands down every time George's delivery's exceptional flowers. I highly recommend them.
Reviewed By:
Mar 16, 2020
Reviewed By:
Mar 13, 2020
Overall a very nice presentation. I very much appreciate what you do. Thank you
Reviewed By:
Doris Hubbard
Mar 12, 2020
We saw it in person and loved it. It was a beautiful arrangement and the flowers were very fresh. However, it was smaller in size than we expected ~ perhaps a note about approx height/ width would let people know it is not quite as big as many funeral
Reviewed By:
Mar 9, 2020
I am a very visual person and what was sent was not exactly what I ordered. I thought it was supposed to have white roses and yellow carnations. This was fine, just not exact.
Responded To By:
Casper Wynn / Manager
Mar 10, 2020
Hey Tamara,
I spoke with our designer & she realized the roses were left out and added them then retook the photo. Please check for a second email that was sent at 10:48am on 3/4. It might be in your spam if you don't see it. So sorry for the confusion!
Reviewed By:
Feb 29, 2020
Very satisfied with arrangement but disappointed]we had to call to find out what neighbor they were left with. Took the suprise out of the delivery
Reviewed By:
Feb 27, 2020
Very nice. Appreciate you sending a picture of the arrangement.
Reviewed By:
David Blackwell
Feb 19, 2020
very Nice.
Reviewed By:
Feb 12, 2020
The plant is lovely. Just what I ordered. The staff was very courteous and helpful.
Reviewed By:
Jeremy Smith
Feb 12, 2020
Looks pretty. I'm sure she'll love it. I was a little shocked by the prices, and additional pricing for “custom” work. Would have been nice to add some red roses or make the substitution free of charge since it's for Valentine's Day without the extra cost
Reviewed By:
Feb 11, 2020
This is just beautiful!!!!!
Reviewed By:
Feb 1, 2020
The flowers were beautiful. They really cheered up our friend.
Reviewed By:
Tonlya Bowden
Jan 29, 2020
I was very pleased with this arrangement and so was the recipient.
Reviewed By:
Jackie Pace
Jan 22, 2020
Thank you.
Reviewed By:
Jan 20, 2020
At the request of my boss I had to order flowers for an employee who had passed and I had never had to do this before. Jessica was very helpful. The whole transaction was a success. The arrangement was beautiful.
Reviewed By:
Marvin Phaup
Jan 20, 2020
Better without the balloon.
Reviewed By:
Rena M. Boyd
Jan 17, 2020
I liked getting a photo of the arrangement. Thank you.
Reviewed By:
Jan 10, 2020
Looks good
Reviewed By:
Nancy Morris
Jan 8, 2020
I really like that you send a picture of what the arrangement looks like. Thank You!
Reviewed By:
Lynn R. Jernigan
Jan 6, 2020
The arrangement was lovely and I totally appreciate your delivering it the same day that it was ordered. I was a little disappointed that for $100 it only contain four roses though. Your service is absolutely impeccable, I guess I'm just a little skeptica
Responded To By:
Casper Wynn / Manager
Jan 7, 2020
Hi Lynn,
I'm glad you liked the arrangement! I just wanted to assure you that the arrangement is filled to value. At $75 for flowers, this is the base, starting price of our medium sized arrange... More
Hi Lynn,
I'm glad you liked the arrangement! I just wanted to assure you that the arrangement is filled to value. At $75 for flowers, this is the base, starting price of our medium sized arrangements. For more premium flowers you would typically need to be in the $85+ range for this size. Overall, with tax and delivery you spent $93.93. We do not undervalue our flowers for our benefit, if anything we sometimes overvalue. In the future if you would like more premium flowers, please let your sales associate know so we can distribute value accordingly or suggest any necessary upgrades. Thank you for your kind words and for reaching out!
Reviewed By:
Judith James Jones
Dec 27, 2019
Looks healthy
Reviewed By:
Dec 26, 2019
Thank you very much for your help and patience, this morning. Very pleased with my choice.
Reviewed By:
Dec 20, 2019
Look really nice.Thanks
Reviewed By:
Sarah Payne
Dec 7, 2019
The flowers were beautiful. I thought the vase was going to be white ceramic with an inscription on it as advertised on line.
Responded To By:
Casper Wynn / Manager
Dec 7, 2019
Hi Sarah,
I'm showing you ordered the Beautiful Blues and Blanc that is pictured on our site. I apologize for the misunderstanding, but the recipe for that arrangement calls for the cobalt blue ... More
Hi Sarah,
I'm showing you ordered the Beautiful Blues and Blanc that is pictured on our site. I apologize for the misunderstanding, but the recipe for that arrangement calls for the cobalt blue vase. Were you meaning to order the DaySpring in God's Care arrangement? That does come in a white ceramic vase with scripted quote and metal hang tag. Please call us if you have any further questions or concerns! :)
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