Gordon Boswell Flowers, Fort Worth, TX - Customer Flower Reviews

1220 Pennsylvania Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76104
+1 (817) 332-2265

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Total reviews: 9659 reviews | Star Rating: 4.77
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Reviewed By:
Rosa Jones
Aug 23, 2021
The floral arrived with no blooms. Looked like this the whole time. Very depressing and disappointing
Reviewed By:
Aug 21, 2021
Reviewed By:
Aug 13, 2021
5 star. Couldnt light up the 5th star
Reviewed By:
Teresa Atkinson
Aug 10, 2021
I am not a complainer but the yellow flower looks like it was crushed and turning brown.
Reviewed By:
Ryane Paige Strange
Aug 9, 2021
Very disappointed. This does not look at all like the large blooming peace lilly ordered. I feel very ripped off. Will not return as a customer again after this.
Responded To By:
Cheri Kirkman / General Manager
Aug 9, 2021
Ryane, the item you chose online is a 6 inch peace lily. This is also the same size plant. The plants vary in height and blooms. Please feel free to give us a call with any questions or concerns.
Reviewed By:
Chris Rugley
Aug 6, 2021
That isn't what I ordered 😕
Reviewed By:
Cynthia “Chip” Stanley
Jul 19, 2021
I was embarrassed. This was just about the most pitiful arrangement at the service. The roses settled and were almost the same level as the fillers. Lack of filler flowers caused a big separation between fillers. I paid $162 for the largest, fullest version...I expected better from Gordon Boswell.
Reviewed By:
Ralph Magallin
Jun 29, 2021
Doesn't look like what I paid for
Reviewed By:
Susan Freyer
Jun 19, 2021
Thanks for the picture. I'd asked specifically for sunflowers and see only one - had referenced the Flower Fields Mason Jar online and this doesn't even look like a mason jar! I told the very nice lady who took the order that my sweet Mother spent her al
Reviewed By:
Anna Ananich
Jun 7, 2021
I requested a neutral/cream/white pallete. This is not at all what I requested. Also this is supposed to deliver tomorrow- why is it already ready? It appear to be 50% carnations- for the price of the arrangement I am extremely disappointed and I am embar
Responded To By:
Cheri Kirkman / General Manager
Jun 7, 2021
Hello Anna, I apologize the order does not state cream and white pallete. I will make sure we redesign in the colors you requested.
Reviewed By:
Terri Johnson
Jun 3, 2021
Why are there no blue flowers????? Choose this arrangement from online picture BECAUSE I WANTED Something In Blue!!!!! Not HAPPY!!!!!
Responded To By:
Cheri Kirkman / General Manager
Jun 3, 2021
Hello Terri, I am sorry the lighting is so bad, but I assure you there are blue flowers in the design. It is hard to see in the picture. I assure you they are there.
Reviewed By:
Sharon Ward
May 19, 2021
That really doesn't look like $ 100 worth of flowers or even close to the picture!
Reviewed By:
Sherri Rasor
Dec 23, 2020
I am extremely disappointed in this arrangement. I spent $200 for an extravagant red arrangement of flowers and this is not that. The picture I ordered from and discussed was an all red arrangement in a silver bowl. I did understand the arrangement wou
Reviewed By:
Sep 22, 2020
None of the lillies are open, the roses will maybe last a day at best, very sloppy looking and beyond disappointed in the quality.
Reviewed By:
Apr 30, 2020
My class paid a 160.00 for 9 flowers and some leaf! Where is the white flowers!
Reviewed By:
Shirlee Gandy
Mar 7, 2020
Very disappointed by the “design”. I could have done better.
Reviewed By:
Vicki Listebarger
Mar 6, 2020
I ordered pink and red carnations and was told it would have fillers. This is an $85 arrangement? I am very disappointed
Reviewed By:
Cindy Harvey
Feb 22, 2020
This is 3rd revision of what I ordered. I realize whoever is working on this has tried very hard. I settled for this version, but I should have received photos yesterday, as I was told, to review. I placed order on Wednesday. However I can tell you I wi
Reviewed By:
Ciindy Harvey
Feb 22, 2020
I do not like this arrangement. Was supposed to have white calla lilies, much more white and more burgundy. Arrangement I just received from Ray Bethea is much fuller and did not cost at much PLEASE MAKE THIS ARRRANGEMENT FULLER. MUST ARRIVE NO LATER TH
Reviewed By:
Jane Broadwater
Feb 20, 2020
I feel like this is a very average arrangement for the price I paid. Looks like flowers just put in a vase..no style. I am sorry to give such a review.
Responded To By:
Cheri Kirkman / General Manager
Feb 21, 2020
Hello Jane, thank you for your response. I would love to discuss this further to make sure you are fully satisfied with your gift.
Reviewed By:
T hollingsworth
Dec 5, 2019
I was trying to get ONLY roses, no greenery. Solid roses in a short round bowl. I'll come by your shop next time. If u haven't sent out yet - please call me at 281-908-8311
Reviewed By:
Nov 21, 2019
They look wilted and nothing like website.
Responded To By:
Cheri Kirkman / General Manager
Nov 21, 2019
I will make sure the orchids are perfect before the design is delivered. Thank you!
Reviewed By:
Nov 7, 2019
Pretty, but the size is nowhere like the picture. If this is the size, then the picture should look like this.
Responded To By:
Cheri Kirkman / General Manager
Nov 7, 2019
Hello, I assure you this is the same size as pictured. It may be the perspective the photo was taken. Online it is very close up.
Reviewed By:
Tina Obermiller
Oct 1, 2019
I DO like getting photos of what I sent, but I don't think the flowers look as nice as the one that I thought I ordered and it looks much smaller too.
Reviewed By:
Paul Vinson
Sep 29, 2019
The flowers were never delivered. My ring doorbell shows no activity at the time you state the delivery was attempted. Very, very disappointed in the poor customer service. This arrangement was for my wife's 67 birthday. They never arrived. Please credit
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