McShan Florist, Dallas, TX - Customer Flower Reviews

10311 Garland Road
Dallas, TX 75218
+1 (214) 324-2481

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Total reviews: 69203 reviews | Star Rating: 4.68
5 Star ★★★★★
4 Star ★★★★
3 Star ★★★☆☆
2 Star ★★☆☆☆
1 Star ☆☆☆☆
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Showing 4 star reviews. Show all reviews

Reviewed By:
May 18, 2023
The whole process of ordering was seamless. The representative was so helpful and patient with me.
Reviewed By:
Chris Sobey
May 17, 2023
Good flowers
Reviewed By:
Ronald D.Henderson
May 16, 2023
the flowers didn't look as fresh as I thought they would.
Reviewed By:
Linda Ainsworth
May 16, 2023
Very nice. Thank you.
Responded To By:

May 18, 2023
Thank you, Linda!
Reviewed By:
May 15, 2023
I thought that there would be more flowers for the price that I paid. I asked for premium size and in my opinion, it looked more like a standard/deluxe arrangement when I saw it at the viewing.
Reviewed By:
Deb Hopes
May 15, 2023
I wanted to ask: Why are the roses so mature in the arrangement? The life of them is extremely short when they come almost fully bloomed. The other flowers will live for two weeks and the roses will die within 3 days. I just needed to ask that question. The arrangement is beautiful.
Reviewed By:
May 14, 2023
I've used McShan for years for quality and service. The flowers (it was a plant and not cut flowers) this time were nice but only had a few blooms on them. Most of the time the delivery looks better than the stock picture on the McShan website. My wife liked them and that's all that matters I guess. I do like the on time delivery and notice. Thanks!
Reviewed By:
Steve Harrington
May 13, 2023
The flowers look beautiful. My mom loved them. Thank you very much.
Responded To By:

May 15, 2023
Thank you, Steve! We are so glad to hear she loved them!
Reviewed By:
Dee J
May 13, 2023
I loved the bouquet. Didn't have as many roses as the picture so I feel a little slighted since I paid more for the upgrade it was for my mom; but it was still beautiful and she loves it so 4 stars ⭐️ instead of 5!
Responded To By:

May 15, 2023
Thank you, Dee! We apologize you did not get the amount of roses that you were expecting. Please give us a call at 214-324-2481 and we'd be happy to correct any issues.
Reviewed By:
Lourice Willis
May 13, 2023
Responded To By:

May 15, 2023
Thank you, Lourice!
Reviewed By:
May 13, 2023
Flowers are pretty
Responded To By:

May 15, 2023
Thank you, Phil!
Reviewed By:
Sandy Fisher
May 13, 2023
I appreciate the picture. I thought the roses would be pink.
Responded To By:

May 15, 2023
Thank you, Sandy!
Reviewed By:
Jeanne Nowaczewski
May 12, 2023
Looks beautiful!
Responded To By:

May 15, 2023
Thank you, Jeanne!
Reviewed By:
Lisa Bellini
May 11, 2023
I love getting a photo so I know what I sent to my sister. I know the Lillies have not opened yet and that will make a difference. It look a little dark compared to what I thought we were sending. I am very happy that it will be sent today though.
Responded To By:

May 15, 2023
Thank you, Lisa!
Reviewed By:
Diane Hatcher
May 11, 2023
Well it doesn't look much like the picture of what I purchased. In my opinion too red. But it is still beautiful. Flowers always are.
Responded To By:

May 15, 2023
We apologize that this was not what you were expecting. Thank you for giving us the change to make this right.
Reviewed By:
May 11, 2023
Flowers look a little droopy and empty, I appreciate getting a picture.
Reviewed By:
May 4, 2023
The arrangement was of the quality and standards we've come to expect and much appreciated. We were surprised, however, that we received the notification photo of the final birthday arrangement at 10:30 am but it was not delivered until after 7:00pm. That seems late for a birthday delivery.
Responded To By:

May 6, 2023
Thank you, Rawlings! We apologize for the late delivery.
Reviewed By:
Regina Drake Payne
May 2, 2023
Lovely! Thanks
Responded To By:

May 2, 2023
Thank you, Regina!
Reviewed By:
Caitlin Ray
May 1, 2023
No eucalyptus per the photo. Was expecting it to be a little fuller.
Reviewed By:
Olga gomez
Apr 29, 2023
It's nice. But I thought more flowers.
Responded To By:

May 2, 2023
Thank you, Olga!
Reviewed By:
Timothy Hutchinson
Apr 26, 2023
The reason it is a 4 out of 5 is that for $160.00, I do not see many blooming flowers in the Flower Garden. I am comparing this to ones that were purchased from you in the past AND at a lower cost. It's very nice but it lacks some …ummppphh…to it, in my humble opinion.
Reviewed By:
Gail Allen
Apr 22, 2023
Very pretty but I can't tell if it's a dozen roses. I sure hope so
Responded To By:

Apr 22, 2023
Thank you, Gail! Yes there are 12 roses in this arrangement, it just goes all the way around so you can't see the back side.
Reviewed By:
J u palmer
Apr 20, 2023
Fabulous But 15.09 delivery for half a mile ugh swful
Responded To By:

Apr 20, 2023
Thank you, J!
Reviewed By:
Sue coker
Apr 17, 2023
I heard they were very pretty. Thank you. But I do think the delivery charges are a bit high but that is what it is.
Responded To By:

Apr 17, 2023
Thank you, Sue!
Reviewed By:
Authentic Church
Apr 17, 2023
The green plant is beautiful!
Responded To By:

Apr 17, 2023
Thank you, Authentic Church!
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