McShan Florist, Dallas, TX - Customer Flower Reviews
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Total reviews: 69230 reviews | Star Rating: 4.68
5 Star ★★★★★ |
85.00% |
4 Star ★★★★☆ |
6.52% |
3 Star ★★★☆☆ |
3.40% |
2 Star ★★☆☆☆ |
2.15% |
1 Star ★☆☆☆☆ |
2.95% |

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Showing 4 star reviews. Show all reviews
Reviewed By:
Richard H Moore
Richard H Moore
Oct 1, 2021
I think it could have been a little fuller but that is a budget plant
Reviewed By:
Mary Ann Morris
Mary Ann Morris
Oct 1, 2021
I like it but would prefer white orchids. I was hoping it look more like the picture that has more “spill”. This is for our dear nurse who is devastated by the loss of her father.
Reviewed By:
Randy Leveen
Randy Leveen
Sep 30, 2021
It's a beautiful arrangement...however, the lavender is dried out and appears to be dead. Please keep in mind, I don't know if it comes back and reflowers??
Reviewed By:
Gina Colwell
Gina Colwell
Sep 27, 2021
The flowers were perfect. THE FACT IT TOOK 3 FULL BUSINESS DAYS TO GET SOMEONE TO FINALLY PICKBUP THE PHONE...NOT A GOOD BUSINESS SERVICE. We've used McShan exclusively for several years. Your lack of having the phone manned is making us rethink our options. We'd hate to lose faith in your business. We really don't want to have that happen.
Reviewed By:
Audubon Park Baptist Church
Audubon Park Baptist Church
Sep 27, 2021
The photo of the plant we sent to a funeral was not a true to size photo. I did not receive guidance that bows cost extra now. Maybe the plant will grow into a nice size before it dies. Will ask lots more questions when we an order is placed. The 35 minute wait on hold to place the order must have made me forget to ask questions. I need to think, think, think better.
Reviewed By:
Avis McCowan
Avis McCowan
Sep 26, 2021
I love McShan's flowers! They're my go to florist for every occasion.. y'all rock! You always come through! Thanks you guys!
Reviewed By:
Sep 24, 2021
The flowers were beautiful. However, I wanted more orange, red and yellow colors. I liked getting a picture of the arrangement.
Reviewed By:
Sep 24, 2021
I do like getting a photo to see what was sent. I did ask the rep if it was a good size plant and she said yes. I'm hoping it is bigger than what it looks. Also would have liked the African violet but maybe you couldn't get it. I have used McShan many years and have always been happy with them.
Reviewed By:
Ellen Kemper
Ellen Kemper
Sep 24, 2021
This is not the correct arrangement Fortunately I saw the flowers actually sent and they were beautiful I'd be furious if you had sent this.
Reviewed By:
Sandra Marx
Sandra Marx
Sep 24, 2021
Do not like the jar for a vase. The flowers are very pretty though. Color combo makes a sweet combo.
Reviewed By:
Danielle Coleman
Danielle Coleman
Sep 22, 2021
I really like the arrangement. I was imagining the calla lily would be more pink but I do like it.
Reviewed By:
Sep 21, 2021
Plant was very nice...I like the pretty white pot and appreciate the care taken to choose well. I always know I can depend on Mc Shan to deliver!
Reviewed By:
Jennifer Coley
Jennifer Coley
Sep 21, 2021
The arrangement was pretty enough but I did not feel that is was a $200 arrangement. The customer service and follow through was fantastic. I will definitely order again from McShan but I will be a little more clear with my direction. Thank you!
Reviewed By:
Debbie Davis
Debbie Davis
Sep 19, 2021
The 2 pink flowers hanging over under the red one at the left bottom were broken and looked willted other than that it was beautiful
Reviewed By:
Second Avenue Missionary Bastist Church
Second Avenue Missionary Bastist Church
Sep 18, 2021
Dispointed that name was not changed as requested back in 2011 some yeaars ago I believe. Dispointed that there was 2 accounts. When name or phone number given, would think correct account would pull up. I was wrong. Pray that this have been corrected. I believe it was. Spoke with Amy.
Reviewed By:
Betty Wright
Betty Wright
Sep 16, 2021
I really liked the brown basket with the orange colored bow better. That's what I thought was being sent. The tag on the front doesn't allow me to see what's in the basket. I would've preferred another color bow since it was as for a female.
Reviewed By:
Lu Scarmardo
Lu Scarmardo
Sep 16, 2021
It is beautiful. Than you for a beautiful arrangement for my beautiful Aunt Josephanie. Lu Scarmardo