New Orleans Flower Delivery, Jefferson, LA - Customer Flower Reviews
Total reviews: 742 reviews | Star Rating: 4.57
5 Star ★★★★★ |
84.50% |
4 Star ★★★★☆ |
3.64% |
3 Star ★★★☆☆ |
2.83% |
2 Star ★★☆☆☆ |
2.29% |
1 Star ★☆☆☆☆ |
6.74% |

All reviews are from verified New Orleans Flower Delivery customers. Our verified reviews require a validated order number, purchase date, and email address. They are collected, certified, and monitored by an independent, dedicated review company, See What You Send, Inc., that does not allow reviews to be filtered or deleted, unless requested directly by the customer.
Showing 4 star reviews. Show all reviews
Reviewed By:
Laura Bourgeois
Laura Bourgeois
Sep 13, 2023
The presentation was very nice but the chocolates were all melted. I understand that the heat is a factor, but it did impact the initial feeling of the basket. Thank you for being interested in my feedback.