Rathbone's Flair Flowers of Tulsa, Jenks, OK - Customer Flower Reviews

622 E. Main
Jenks, OK 74037
+1 (918) 299-2341

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Total reviews: 630 reviews | Star Rating: 4.79
5 Star ★★★★★
4 Star ★★★★
3 Star ★★★☆☆
2 Star ★★☆☆☆
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All reviews are from verified Rathbone's Flair Flowers of Tulsa customers. Our verified reviews require a validated order number, purchase date, and email address. They are collected, certified, and monitored by an independent, dedicated review company, See What You Send, Inc., that does not allow reviews to be filtered or deleted, unless requested directly by the customer.

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Reviewed By:
Vicki Russell
Dec 18, 2023
I'm very disappointed. I told you guys I wanted a spectacular arrangement like last year!!! This is not up to last year's standards.
Reviewed By:
Jun 11, 2023
I have left 3 reviews already please do not send more.
Reviewed By:
Wanda Branum
Mar 29, 2022
That looks great. Thanks so much for your help also thanks so much for the photo
Reviewed By:
Douglas Pounds
Jan 22, 2022
This is not a very good representation of the arrangement that we picked from your website. We ordered the PREMIUM! It looks less than the standard version! Definitely not an upgrade from standard! There's not nearly the amount of flowers, not as many fern fronds & no bow! The website describes the overall size to be 38”x38” I'll send the comparison picture if that's possible.
Reviewed By:
Apr 29, 2019
I hope the photo is just distorted and not really how the flowers look in person. The roses look huge and they look wilted on the edges. The lilies look weird looking as well. And the hot pink vase with the other colors is too much. A clear vase would hav
Reviewed By:
Feb 2, 2019
I paid for ftd pink roeses pink carnations White vase $108.51
Reviewed By:
Amy Kathryn Reynolds
Oct 3, 2018
This is NOT what I ordered...PLEASE tell me there was a mix up in sending the photo... Amy Kathryn Reynolds 585.734.5712
Reviewed By:
Yvonne Lauchman
Feb 10, 2018
TOTALLY DISAPPOINTED BEYOND WORDS!!!! The bouquet you sent is NOTHING like what was pictured. The “as shown” picture was to have been the one sent. AGAIN, TOTALLY DISAPPOINTED. No more orders from me!
Reviewed By:
Kim Standley
Oct 19, 2017
Not what I ordered. I ordered a plant, not a mum... very disappointed I guess I should have stated “house plant”
Reviewed By:
Cole huckleberry
Jul 6, 2017
So you guys get lost and can't find her office and instead of calling me to ask for directions u call the girls in her office and ruin the whole surprise so that she knows the flowers are coming before heybeven show. Thanks for nothing
Responded To By:
Matt Rathbone / Owner
Jul 6, 2017
Hello Cole, Thank you for your feedback. I am sorry our delivery driver could not locate the building properly. We will review protocols with each driver to be more careful when calling. They should h... More
Hello Cole, Thank you for your feedback. I am sorry our delivery driver could not locate the building properly. We will review protocols with each driver to be more careful when calling. They should have just ask for directions and not spoil the surprise. If we don't hear from our customers on issues like this we cannot improve, we would have never known what they did. So again, I thank you for your feedback.
Best Regards, Matt Rathbone