Rathbone's Flair Flowers of Tulsa, Jenks, OK - Customer Flower Reviews

622 E. Main
Jenks, OK 74037
+1 (918) 299-2341

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Total reviews: 630 reviews | Star Rating: 4.79
5 Star ★★★★★
4 Star ★★★★
3 Star ★★★☆☆
2 Star ★★☆☆☆
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Reviewed By:
May 14, 2024
The white doesn't look good! Also I was assured it would be mostly purple! Very disappointed especially for $159!!!
Reviewed By:
Tracy Baker
Jun 8, 2023
I spent a long time on the phone to place this long distance order. I went up $40 in budgetto get add ins for fishing and was to get a picture before it delivered. I fid not get the picture until I was notified it had been delivered and received by the person who's funeralnit was for. Seemed insensitive. Not received but the fu real home but the deceased. Then when. I saw the picture it did not have have what I assumed thw $40 increase would give. 2 dragon flies and a lure. I was disappointed.
Reviewed By:
Sheigha Fisher
Dec 9, 2019
Not the vase that was shown on the picture so I'm a little disappointed. What happened to the pretty red and white striped one that was pictured? I probably would not have ordered these if I knew it was going to come in that vase!
Reviewed By:
Lisa King
Sep 19, 2019
Basket too big for arrangement and too summery looking using white basket instead of natural. Nothing said about white. Bow is tacky and personally, I would never use or my florist would never put a bow in a plant arrangement or on flowers going to a fun
Reviewed By:
Mike Eng
May 8, 2019
I thought the Rose's had a purple tinted to them. These look purely pink!!??
Reviewed By:
Feb 5, 2019
The photo of what I ordered had many more blooms than the above photo.
Reviewed By:
Nov 5, 2018
pretty disappointed, as I did not receive what was pictured. There was no yellow in the sample and white roses were used, where are the roses?
Reviewed By:
Cathy Stevenson
Oct 26, 2018
The flowers do not look like the picture shown on your web site. A little disappointed.
Reviewed By:
Sarah Rucker
Jan 16, 2018
It looks as if there are only three roses. It's mostly all greenery and baby's breath. I don't know that this is worth $50?!
Reviewed By:
Brittany Thompson
Dec 21, 2017
I ordered a bouquet called “Holiday Hapoenings” from your website, and admittedly, your pic has similar flowers, but no red roses and looks more sparse and not as full as the one I ordered. I'm disappointed.
Reviewed By:
Pamela Davidson
Dec 8, 2017
Disappointed. This does not represent the picture as advertised and does not look like a full large poinsettia plant for the price. I appreciate the picture though as that is good customer service. Thank you.